A Brick in the Valley

Google Calendar / The Red Brick Church / & Your Life
May 22, 2008, 8:10 pm
Filed under: Blogging

Google Calendar is really slick – – you should think about using it.

If you are part of our church family, you can click here to see our church calendar.  We are stepping up attention to keeping this calendar current.  So, if you want to see, for instance, when we have one service this summer (Memorial Day weekend and the month of July), you should be able to check.

But, for anyone who is at their computer a lot, and especially if both you and your spouse use the computer, I would encourage you to consider keeping track of appointments on Google Calendar.  Here are some advantages we have found in my world.

  • It is web based.  So, Jamie my wife, or Jana our assistant at church, have access both to our church calendar, but also to my personal one.  Jamie puts a ball game for one of the kids on the calendar at home.  Jana and I see it instantly at church.  Likewise, if Jana schedules me to meet with someone.
  • I can share calendars with others.  In the case of our church web site, everyone can see our church calendar.  But, you don’t have to see my calendar so that you know when my kids have to be at a band concert.
  • It is free.
  • Google Calendar will now sync with your phone, p.d.a., or even your brain if it is connected directly to the Internet.  (There is still a problem with this because it will only sync with one calendar: I can’t sync both with my personal calendar and the church calendar.
  • You can schedule alerts.  So, if you need to be reminded of something at a particular time, it will send you an e-mail, or leap through cyber-space and pinch your arm to tell you.

One of the big challenges of church web sites is keeping them current.  But, with Google calendar embedded in our web site, we can instantly update what is going on.

You Need to Do This
May 1, 2008, 10:58 pm
Filed under: Blogging

If you’re not taking advantage of RSS feeds, and you read even one blog, and you do, because you’re reading this one, then you need to use Google Reader (or some other equivalent).

Abraham Piper explains what you need to know here.

Easter Greetings from Adrian
March 21, 2008, 7:51 pm
Filed under: Blogging

Our favorite B.B. (“British Blogger”) Adrian Warnock sends Easter greetings.

If London were just a little bit closer to Stillman Valley, I’d ask Adrian to come by and share this with our church family.

Why Internet Monk Does Not Read Our Blogs
March 10, 2008, 12:19 am
Filed under: Blogging, Recommended Links

 Internet Monk has put together a thorough explanation of why he doesn’t read some blogs.  

I’m linking to it for at least three reasons:

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If You Read Blogs (and you do)
February 29, 2008, 11:46 pm
Filed under: Blogging

If you read any blogs, and you do, because you’re reading this one, then you need to go this web site and then watch the clips to which he points.

Amazing Opportunities for Christians to Learn
February 26, 2008, 10:59 am
Filed under: Blogging, Recommended Links

It’s an amazing technological age in which we live.  And, if you have an internet connection, you can stretch yourself every day of the week.

Tonight, I almost watched a pastor from Minneapolis preach in Seattle per the recommendation of a guy in the U.K. who watched a pastor from the Baltimore area preach earlier today in Seattle, though it was late in the U.K., what with the time difference and all. 

But, it didn’t work for me to watch the pastor from Minnesota in Seattle, so I instead, watched a roundtable discussion at Columbia University because that was pointed out to me by a pastor in Florida.

More detail below.

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RSS Feeds
June 13, 2007, 9:11 pm
Filed under: Blogging

If you are a reader of blogs, then this video will help you if you want to understand RSS Feeds.