A Brick in the Valley

Amazing Opportunities for Christians to Learn
February 26, 2008, 10:59 am
Filed under: Blogging, Recommended Links

It’s an amazing technological age in which we live.  And, if you have an internet connection, you can stretch yourself every day of the week.

Tonight, I almost watched a pastor from Minneapolis preach in Seattle per the recommendation of a guy in the U.K. who watched a pastor from the Baltimore area preach earlier today in Seattle, though it was late in the U.K., what with the time difference and all. 

But, it didn’t work for me to watch the pastor from Minnesota in Seattle, so I instead, watched a roundtable discussion at Columbia University because that was pointed out to me by a pastor in Florida.

More detail below.

It is snowing again in Northern Illinois.  Global climate change notwithstanding, we’ve had a long winter.

But, in the warmth of my home, I decided to redeem the time.  Spurred on by Dr. Warnock’s example (he stayed up late to watch C.J. Mahaney) I decided to watch John Piper preach on his confidence in the Word from the Resurgence Conference.

Alas, however, I experienced technical difficulties.  I assume that too many other people were trying to watch.  (However, Justin Buzzard is blogging about it.  I think he is from the Bay Area).

Still, I was determined to make good use of my evening.  Acting on the recommendation of one Tullian Tchividjian, I instead watched (part of) a stimulating discussion between Timothy J. Keller, Andrew Delbanco, Mark Lilla, Dale Hanson Bourke on “Exclusivism in a Pluralistic Culture.”

Even if you don’t watch all of the round table discussion, it’s worth hearing Tim Keller talk about Augustine and how Christianity contextualizes in different cultures.

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