A Brick in the Valley

Dennis Rainey Interviews Tchividjian
February 27, 2008, 11:21 pm
Filed under: Recommended Links

Dennis Rainey is going to interview  Tullian Tchividjian, (See also faces to watch in 2008) tomorrow (2/28/8) and Friday (2/29/8) on the radio; you can check for local station times here: Family Life Radio.    

I think you should listen. . . .Michelle Blood told us in a comment how to do this:

To hear these broadcasts, go to http://www.familylife.com. At the very top, click on Listen to the Broadcast. To hear yesterday’s pgm, click on Past Broadcasts in left side bar. Then Click on the title “The Making of the Prodigal.” As long as you have Windows Player or Real Audio, you should be able to hear it.

Let me say at the onset, I have never met Tullian in person.  My primary exposure to him is through his book, his blog, and the interview I pointed to here given in conjunction with D. James Kennedy’s ministry. 

But, I would strongly encourage our church family to listen to the Family Life Radio broadcast if they have a chance.  Here’s why.

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