A Brick in the Valley

Wisdom from Pollywog Creek
February 7, 2008, 5:46 am
Filed under: Recommended Links

Paul probably didn’t picture a blog when he wrote, Titus 2:3-5.  I doubt that his vision for older women teaching younger women included someone in Florida being able to write thoughts instantly accessible to the world.  But, Pollwog Creek lives out the exhortation of this passage.  

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Crawford Loritts on Courage
February 7, 2008, 5:16 am
Filed under: Preaching, Recommended Links

In Northern Illinois, we got hammered with snow today.  Somewhere around a foot of the white stuff came down.

So, I’ve been hunkered down in my study at home – – I studied, prepared a sermon and listened to a sermon (while I dusted) by Crawford Loritts on pastoral courage.  Leaders need to listen to this one!