A Brick in the Valley

Angels Camping On Our Deck
February 24, 2008, 10:08 am
Filed under: Chris Brauns Radio Spots

A couple of years ago, my wife and I talked to our four young children at dinner about whether or not we ought to let angels camp on our deck.  I ought to explain that one. 

Our kids know that the Bible says that the angel of the lord encamps around those who fear God.  And, that God commands his angels concerning His people.  So, at dinner we picture what that all looks like.  Do angels have to punch in when they are on duty?  Do angels talk with each other about who is assigned to our family? 

You may roll your eyes at such talk, but our children are young and we pray they will absorb the reality that angels truly do watch over them.  We want them to know that one way or another, angels encamp around us. 

But, the trouble with our angel picture at that times was that we moved into a house where we need a new yard.  We are surrounded by mud.  The kids wondered if angels would consider that ideal camping.  One daughter thought maybe that we could grant them permission to camp out on the deck.  As the theologian in the family, I reminded the kids that angels get their marching orders from God and not from us.  The deck is all theirs if He chooses.

Be encouraged.  If you know Christ, then God commands His angels concerning you.  Psalm 34:7 says that the Angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him.  If you know Christ, angels pitch their tents in the yard.  Or in the words of Psalm 91:11, God will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways. . . . a thousand may fall at your side, 10,000 at your right hand, but it will not come near you.

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Your story reminds me of the day my precious daddy died. Just a few of us – me, Michael (the nephew we raised) and Dorothy (my sister in law) – sat by daddy’s side in the hospital room, praying and singing as daddy breathed his last here on earth. The rest of the family gathered in the waiting room down the hall, knowing that the time was near. When the three of us walked into the waiting room, Michael turned to his 4 year old daughter Kari and announced for all to hear, “Pops has gone to heaven.” With wide-eyed wonder, and to everyone’s delight, Kari asked, “Did you see the angels?”

Comment by Patricia (Pollywog Creek)

Patricia, thank you for sharing that. It was wonderful to come home from preaching today and read that.

You’ll see your dad very soon (Revelation 22:20). You’ll have to introduce me to him.

Comment by cdbrauns

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