A Brick in the Valley

D.A. Carson on the Dizzying Change of the 20th Century
November 30, 2007, 8:58 pm
Filed under: Quotes

In 2005, D.A. Carson was asked to give a lecture in Australia on the future of preaching in the 21st Century.  That forced Carson to picture the kind of change that might happen in a century.  So, he reflected on how things have changed since 1905.

It is mind boggling to reflect on the littany he laid out:

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N.T. Wright and Piper
November 30, 2007, 5:07 pm
Filed under: New Perspective on Paul, Recommended Links

Brian (he’s dreaming if he thinks Ohio State can win the Nat’l Championship) McLaughlin continues his helpful interaction with Wright and Piper.

First, he summarizes Piper’s, The Future of Justification

He then outlines areas where Piper and Wright agree. 

 We anxiously await the next stage of the review.

Brian’s commitment to being careful and fair in this evaluation is commendable, and speaks well for a senior pastor who would help recruit him to a particular church.

His Name Shall Be Called Wonderful Counselor
November 30, 2007, 3:26 pm
Filed under: Isaiah

Why not meditate on Isaiah 9:1-7 this Christmas season.  Or, better yet – – read the whole book!

Ron Youngblood helps identify a theme.

We cannot go far wrong if we remind ourselves again that Isaiah’s name means “the Lord saves” and conclude that the primary theme of the Book of Isaiah is salvation.  Isaiah 45:22, then can serve us well as a theme verse for the book as a whole: “Turn to me and be saved, all you ends of the earth; for I am God, and there is no other.”  Ronald F. Youngblood.