A Brick in the Valley

Challies Reviews the Shack
May 21, 2008, 3:32 am
Filed under: Recommended Reading

In 2005 a man named William P. Young wrote a book called The Shack.  Originally, it was written for his children.  Soon, however, a small, little known publishing house, made it available to the public, and now it is wildly popular.

The fact that a work of fiction has gotten so much attention, especially coming from an unknown author and publishing house is surprising.

On another level, it is not so surprising.  The goal of The Shack is to address the question, “Where is life in world so filled with pain?”  This an itch that everyone knows.  Any book that scratches, or appears to scratch, that itch in a compelling way is going to sell like ice cold bottled water in the Gobi dessert. 

If you haven’t read the book, you know someone who has.  And, because the Shack has a theological agenda, it is important that it be read discerningly. 

I would encourage all of you to read Tim Challies’ excellent review of The Shack by clicking here.  Tim’s review, not The Shack is the reading I am recommending here.

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